‘Today Carli called her friend Virgin Xtravaganzah, practiced her drag makeup and defended the country against Covid-19, all at the same time’⁠

Rhiannon Adam created this incredible portrait of her partner Carli for #stayhomeHEROES, a great initiative for @helpthemhelpus_ We’re showing our every day lives in lockdown while supporting the NHS heroes on the frontline by staying HOME. So, let’s share our #stayhomeHEROES moments and show that together we are a united force staying home, protecting the NHS and saving lives.⁠

Want to know more about the HEROES organisation? They’re delivering hot meals, PPE, hand creams and other items as well as providing childcare and counselling services to NHS staff. They’ve raised nearly £1M – please check them out and donate to help them reach their goal.⁠
